Thursday, June 10, 2010

beauty is defined by one's personality!!!!

i believe this to be true...we look at people and judge them based on their appearance which sometimes turn us away....little do we know, that was the best person for a relationship...we allow first impression to deter us at times...i urge people to take a chance on love...u might be so surprise...the one u wait and hunger for doesn't even want u as mush as u want take a chance with someone else....

as for me...i deal with this type of thing on something called "spirit tek" i don't go for the cutest guy in the room not because i am not confident but because that spells trouble...i usually like a man based on his personality..real talk...looks fade...i need longevity, intelligence, smarts, out spoke, funny, a man who is willing to learn new things, a man who is willing to teach new things...a man with a back bone and not be filled with too much pride...a man who's only aggression is towards his future goals and accomplishments, not towards me..

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