Thursday, June 24, 2010

his touch!

imagine this....

there u are laying in bed and ur man comes home...he takes a shower and suddenly the room smells fresh as hell...he walks over to the bed and lays beside u...he still hasn't greeted you...he's just laying there looking at you...yup!!!! he is just looking deep into ur eyes and u can just see the love he has for u, u can feel it...he suddenly pulls u close to him put his arm around ur neck and he takes ur hand...he starts touching ur fingers...that's all.... he just start touch you fingers...he finally greats u ..."nice to see u my queen...I've been waiting to do this all day...just look into ur eyes and touch ur fingers. baby i love u"


I Octane - Why u searching trouble BRANDNEW

this is so true...its like when trouble know ur happy..the fucker just come knocking man!!! dam!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

beauty is defined by one's personality!!!!

i believe this to be true...we look at people and judge them based on their appearance which sometimes turn us away....little do we know, that was the best person for a relationship...we allow first impression to deter us at times...i urge people to take a chance on love...u might be so surprise...the one u wait and hunger for doesn't even want u as mush as u want take a chance with someone else....

as for me...i deal with this type of thing on something called "spirit tek" i don't go for the cutest guy in the room not because i am not confident but because that spells trouble...i usually like a man based on his personality..real talk...looks fade...i need longevity, intelligence, smarts, out spoke, funny, a man who is willing to learn new things, a man who is willing to teach new things...a man with a back bone and not be filled with too much pride...a man who's only aggression is towards his future goals and accomplishments, not towards me..


sometimes i feel down and sometimes i feel happy. its the circle of life...sometimes i feel lost or trap and i have to get on YouTube or wikepedia to find answer to they way i am feeling...sometimes i can't even diagnose my own feeling...sometimes i just need that someone to tell me what my problem is...well today is one of those days. today i doubt myself on so many is my ugly and fat i need to be alone...