Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Extortion down in Spanish Town

Extortion down in Spanish Town

Ok so they say extortion is down in Spanish town, Jamaica W.I. .ok…whoopee….great job..
they also said that with the leader “Tesha miller” receiving 15 years they are assuming that the gang will be out of commission. That part is a joke. Ok he received 15 years but they acting like he will be so isolated from the general prison population and it would be difficult for him to continue his business. They act like he won’t be on the island still…

A mean who is tesha miller really? Is he a Good Samaritan, the people’s savior/provider. My question is can one man have two personalities?


I get the feeling that the civilian community adores him because to them he is their provider but the officials think opposite because to them he is an executioner.

So is it fair to say that no matter how much good you do it will not make all the wrongs you did null and void? What do you think about this? Do you think the era of the dons is slipping away?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"I AM JAMAICA" - The Jamaican Diaspora Theme Song

i am Jamaican....

says who? says what?

what does it mean to be Jamaica besides the fact that you were born here/there. listen to this song and tell me what you get from it...has it inspired you or has it made you feel proud or prouder to be Jamaican...tell me what does being Jamaica symbolize? what kind of people are we..hardworking? loyal? what?

jamaican men

Jamaican men

are they different from any other nationality? are they a different bread why are they so unique. unique in every sense of the word from fashion, to music to cooking to sweet talking...yet it seems like they are allergic to honesty. forgive me please if you men find this offensive but they always say the truth hurts

..are they the original bad boys that most girls dream of ? why do we even want the rude boy, the bad boy, the shotta and then we turn around and  get mad at them because the end up doing the very same thing that rude boys are known for..help me define a standard Jamaican man, from a modern, fresh, stylish, forward, trend setting Jamaican man...what does it take to be that ideal or should i correct myself and say that Jamaican has nothing to do with it?